Touch for Health (short history)
John F.Thie (1933-2005)
Touch for Health Kinesiology explores the fascinating field of human behavior from the prospective of attitude and posture and all the aspects of human life that contribute to having more of what you were born to accomplish. We recognize how language, symbols and how our physical bodies affect our abilities to adapt, survive and thrive as fully functional individuals.
Dr. George Goodheart publishes a paper on muscle monitoring; in his Chiropractic practice he notices that inhibited muscles became facilitated through simple techniques and that the muscle can be monitored.
John Thie, a very successful Chiropractor in Pasadena, California, contacts George Goodheart and the two team up for the next six years to train professionals on how to muscle monitor.
John Thie and George Goodheart split amicably over the direction of their research: John Thie decides to take the techniques to the community. George Goodheart chooses to continue working with a "professional model" called Applied Kinesiology.
Goodheart and Thie form the Goodheart Workshops Leaders Group - the basis of the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK).
John Thie develops Touch For Health, using the techniques based on his work with George Goodheart and research by:
·Kendall and Kendall, who used muscle testing methods
·Chapman, who had researched Neurolymphatic Reflexes, and
·Bennett, who researched Neurovascular Reflexes.
Touch For Health Book first published, originally as a complimentary home-care guide for Chiropractic patients.
John Thie and wife Carrie teach people Health From Within, using Applied Kinesiology techniques and communication skills that improve the healing process.
John Thie brings together the techniques of muscle monitoring, neurolymphatic and neuro-vascular reflexes with a "grass roots" philosophy to form Touch For Health. The philosophy involves a developmental program to train members of
the community to train others.
A college is established in Pasadena, and Gordon Stokes, Mary Marks and Carrie Thie are enlisted as a team of trainers to take the work to the community.
Gordon Stokes and John Thie bring the first Instructor Trainers Workshop (ITW) to Australasia.
Bruce and Joan Dewe are enlisted to develop the ITW in Australia.
The original College in Pasadena closes and the International Kinesiology College opens in Switzerland.
The International Kinesiology College moves its head office to Nambour, Queensland.
The Touch For Health Book has sold over a million copies and is translated and taught in over 15 languages.
Applied Kinesiology is recognised and practised by many Chiropractors throughout the world.
Touch For Health is recognised as the foundation of all specialised kinesiology.